hotspots - Connecting European Suburbs through Smart Youth Work
hotspots - Connecting European Suburbs through Smart Youth Work

HOTSPOTS is a Cooperation Partnership in the field of youth,
aimed to develop non-formal education tools and methods, within a newly designed pedagogical approach, to enhance both online and offline, intercultural learning-ICL among young people coming from suburban backgrounds, and more specifically, in national and transnational Youth Participation Activities - YPA, within the Erasmus+ program.
In a framework where physical meetings and activities in presence have been drastically reduced to contain the pandemic, it became evident the need to rethink the way and methods to involve the youth groups we work with. Therefore the digital sphere, day by day, started to gain more relevance and organizations initiated a process to be quipped for the new conditions. This implied both a wider use of digital platforms and tools and also an adaptation of the non-formal education methods we were used to. Even though, in the last years an impressive work has been run, with a consistent variety of approaches and a big heterogeneity of methods applied, still the work could be further fine-tuned. This, specifically, for what concerns the creation of a pedagogical approach (including different tools and methods for the digital and offline spheres) to strengthen intercultural perspectives among young people coming from different European suburbs and from more marginalized realities.
The project aims to reach its objectives by implementing several interconnected actions between 2022 and 2024: two Transnational Project Meetings, one Field Research, two International Training Courses, one Tools Harmonization phase, one Tools Testing phase, five different Meetings with Multipliers and one Follow Up phase. The results of these different phases will lead to the creation of three Project Results, which you can find below.
Project Result 1:
Project Result 2:
to build up, in the suburban dimensions involved, the local diagnostic to better understand the situation, needs and profiles of the youth, the challenges they face in their everyday life and with a specific focus on the subject of intercultural learning.
to share the existing tools, approaches and the smart and digital youth work’s practices, with specific regards to the online and offline dimensions, used by the consortium to promote active participation and Intercultural Learning.
to design a new, synthetic and innovative pedagogical perspective applicable to smart youth work in the involved countries, and including an educational package with tools and methods usable for the online and the offline sphere. These tools will be designed also for a potential use in the national and transnational YPA.
to strengthen the capacity-building of youth workers’ digital and offline practices, in order to have them ready to face the nowadays challenges and to be ready to offer a wider variety of activities to the young people they work with, motivating them for an higher participation and bringing new ones on board
to connect, empower and engage young people from outskirts and isolated areas in different EU outskirts, to equip them to act as agents of change and promoters of new grass-rooted actions.