LUDAMUS! is a strategic partnership in the field of adult education with the mission to develop non-formal education resources and methodologies aimed at the promotion of European cultural heritage through recreational experiences.
Ludamus! was born in response to the need to exploit the opportunities offered by game-based learning methodology and strategies to disseminate and promote European cultural heritage.
Therefore, our mission is to develop and renew mechanisms and techniques to promote European cultural heritage within society, with the aim of training workers from diverse social, cultural, and institutional contexts in the use of game-based learning strategies.
Our starting point is to reimagine the philosophy and strategies based on social research, non-formal education, game design and user experience technique design as innovative assets in the dissemination of cultural heritage and as a complement to the widespread strategies of protection and exhibition. This mission will materialize in a 24-month action plan devised as a unitary research-training-action strategy in which:
Game-based experiences that promote cultural heritage throughout Europe will be mapped and analysed.
A teaching-learning process will be developed in which the 5 partner entities will train and tutor each other in their respective specialties by means of the training action “Let’s play with cultural heritage” and through online tutoring. These specialties are: a) techniques to search and select heritage contents to disseminate; b) implementation of game-based techniques, tools, and elements; c) implementation of performative and stage design techniques; d) graphics techniques to ensure game accessibility and replication.
An ambitious experimentation process will be implemented in order to design, develop, and evaluate game-based strategies in each local community in collaboration with each organization’s network of local partners and using a multitude of formats and mediums, including digital. A total of 8 game-based experiences will be designed and will be available via the project channels to be used, replicated and/or adapted by anybody who so wishes.
As a final result, the methodological guide “Heritage at play” will be developed, aiming to detail the steps needed to design and develop game-based strategies and/or experiences for the dissemination of cultural heritage while also reclaiming its social value.