“Beyond the disability horizons: counter-tales for a different point of view” Youth Exchange


Beyond the disability horizons: counter-tales for a different point of view

Key action 1 – Learning Mobility of Individuals


Duration: 17-28 October 2023 (10 activity days + 2 days for arrival and departure)

Daily schedule: two 4 hour sessions every day with coffee breaks and lunch break in-between

Deadline for applying: URGENT

Participants wanted: 2 (out of 5 total spots – 3 have been filled)

Age: 17 – 30

Profile of participants: young people interested in the topic of social inclusion, active citizenship and different abilities, as well as in art, crafts, song writing and theater based methods.

Important: You should speak basic English and be willing to respect the Covid-19 related safety measures required and implemented by the host organization.

Partners: Artemide Association – Italy (coordinator and host) + NGOs from Albania, Portugal, Kosovo and Romania.

Location: Casa Laboratorio Cerquosino, Orvieto, Italy. Map: https://goo.gl/maps/ETxQRRCVwcZhecH97 (please consider the building is set in a marvelous place but in the forest area of Umbria, so it is a bit isolated – ~5 km from the closest village)

The accommodation offers hostel conditions: bunk beds, shared bathroom, common room with fireplace, delicious home made food.

Learn more about Artemide Association here https://www.cerquosinoartemide.org/ and here https://www.facebook.com/cerquosino.artemide

Click here to download the Youth Exchange Info Sheet.


TO APPLY PLEASE send us an informal email with the following content (in English):

  • email subject: Artemide July YE
  • tell us your name, age, what you study/work, your interest/background in non-formal education, and a little about yourself
  • tell us why you want to participate in this youth exchange


The project is focused on social inclusion, active citizenship, solidarity and ability to collaborate with and beyond the differences. By managing and sharing the path, laboratory activities, games of knowledge focused on the methodology of non-formal education, the exchange is a simulation of active citizenship in order to provide participants with new tools useful to cope with certain aspects of their discomfort. The simulation is a real “active laboratory of needs”; it’s based on the concept-metaphor of a “new born Village”, how is it organized, growing, working, sharing rules, needs, goals and paths.

The goal is to experiment the encounter with different abilities and fewer opportunities, contact and the search for commonalities and the abatement of stereotypes and fears towards the “different from us”. The concept of inclusion leads to the recognition of a right as a form of contrast to its opposite: exclusion

Face reality, know one’s limits, sense of responsibility, confront one another, learn from experience, do not be afraid to change, do not be afraid to try.

Particular attention will be paid to the issues of differences, to the processes of creation of prejudices and stereotypes and possible activities that contribute to their deconstruction level both individually and collectively. We will go to explore the differences and similarities between countries and through the direct testimony of the social workers, will deepen the theme of being “in-between” between different social and cultural contexts and the possibilities social inclusion.


The whole project will be based on non formal education and we propose a learning by doing approach:

flexibility, being learner-centered, contextualized and based on the promotion of participatory approaches;

horizontal cooperation, where facilitators and experts create a shared learning path with participants and trainees, encouraging the exchange of knowledge;

personal empowerment through self-esteem raising, development of the self-confidence, competences and skills.

What you can expect:

• theater based methods;

• body movement exercises;

• verbal and physical improvisation;

• manual and creative workshops;

• songwriting workshops;

• video workshops;

• exploring tools for non-violent methods of conflict management;

• sharing experiences with young people from other countries;

• amazing homemade Italian food.


Financial conditions

Food and accommodation are covered by the Erasmus+ program.

Plane tickets will either be provided by us or be reimbursed after the youth exchange.

Transportation expenses made in Italy to reach the youth exchange venue (train, bus) will be reimbursed after the youth exchange .
