BABEL Virtual Training Course



Key action 1 – Learning Mobility of Individuals


Duration: 08 -16 November 2021 (9 activity days)

Daily schedule: 16:00 to 19:30 Romanian time (3-4 hours of online work every day)

Deadline for applying: CLOSED

Participants wanted: 3

Age: 18+

Profile of participants: young people interested in the topic, preferably educators and trainers with past experience in non-formal education or who wish to become trainers/facilitators.

Important: You should speak basic English and be willing to participate in every session and do any individual work the trainers might give you. You also need good internet, microphone and camera since this is an online activity.

Once the training course is over, one of the participants will be selected to travel to Italy for the following steps of the project, so the participants should be willing to travel and take part in the next steps (see section C below).

Partners: Lunaria Association – Italy (coordinator and host), Concordia – France, Break the Borders – Greece, Rönesans Enstitüsü Derneği – Turkey, T. Mopka – Hungary, Grenzenlos – Austria, SOS Malta – Malta, Asociația Universitur – Romania


TO APPLY PLEASE send us an informal email with the following content (in English):

  • email subject: BABEL VTC
  • tell us your name, age, what you study/work, your interest/background in non-formal education, and a little about yourself
  • tell us why you want to participate in this virtual training course


BABEL is a multi-action project that aims to develop tools and working methods, among youth workers and trainers, to fight against discrimination, therefore promoting the active participation and inclusion of young people and young people with fewer opportunities, in Europe.

More specifically, the project foresees to facilitate the access to youth work knowledge and resources at local, national, regional and European levels, to further support the exchange of youth work practices and peer learning. The project includes the current online Training Course, an online Advance Planning Visit, forecast for December 2021, and two Youth Exchanges, forecast for January 2022 and February 2022.

One Training Course participant from each country will be selected to be the group leader for their national group and participate in the Advance Planning Visit and in one of the Youth Exchanges.


The whole project will be based on non formal education and we propose a learning by doing approach:

flexibility, being learner-centered, contextualized and based on the promotion of participatory approaches;

horizontal cooperation, where facilitators and experts create a shared learning path with participants and trainees, encouraging the exchange of knowledge;

personal empowerment through self-esteem raising, development of the self-confidence, competences and skills.


Financial conditions: participation is free